Alejandro Ample

is a Berlin-based graphic designer and software developer. He designs books, visual identities, websites, products and services, for commercial and cultural commisioners.


Trickster Studios and Magazine
Natuka Honrubia
Accidental Advice
Nervi Delle Volpi
Pablo Bolumar
From A to B to A
Graphic Design Confabulations
Ací fem atovons
Efremidis Gallery
What is Common on This Ground?
Lo que pasa en el parque, se queda en el parque
Tarquim, A Cuba
Zero Point Berlin
Camille Schneider

Selected clients

Arts of the Working Class, BLESS, Bukhara Biennial, Efremidis, Estonian Academy of Arts, Pablo Bolumar, Studio Manuel Raeder, Trickster Studios


[email protected]
Helmstr. 4 10827 Berlin

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